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TJ Driver and Army Veteran Andy Weir will take on the 3 Peak Challenge next month to raise money for AMBUSH Veteran Adventures, a Community Interest Company that provides adventurous and woodland management training to serving and veteran personnel of the British armed forces and blue light services.
AMBUSH also welcomes other organisations and groups such as school clubs to come along for military experience training. The aim is to bring people together for camaraderie and goal setting that promotes physical and mental wellbeing alongside veteran instructors, peers and mentors. They also run a daily hub for advice and referral to assist people with any issues they may face after Service.
The Challenge involves climbing the three highest peaks in the UK – Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England and Snowdon in Wales. Ben Nevis stands at 1,344m, Snowdon at 1.085m and Scafell Pike at 978m. The aim is to complete the entire challenge in 24 hours, which will be tough, especially considering that there are over 440 road miles to travel between the three peaks!
Andy is taking part in the challenge on 23 September with 23 other veterans and with the help of three volunteer minibus drivers who will drive the participants from one peak to the next.
TJ has signed up to sponsor the event, providing valuable funds towards this great cause. TJ is dedicated to providing support and sponsorship to worthy causes and has done so regularly over the years. In June, TJ sponsored Worthing Armed Forces Day, providing vital support for the event, which was organised by Worthing Veterans Association.
In 2021, TJ signed the Armed Forces Covenant, demonstrating our commitment to supporting Armed Forces personnel, reservists, veterans and their families, and aligning our values with those of the covenant. We actively encourage applications from veterans and reservists in a bid to provide job opportunities to this valued community.
Andy, who has worked for TJ as a driver since 2015, has been training for the event at My Fitness Hub in Havant. Andy said: “The gym owner, Duncan Teesdale has been really supportive, giving me advice regarding what training will be most beneficial. I’ve been using the stairmaster a lot, moving through the levels to build up my strength and stamina for the inclines.”
He added: “In 2006, one of my army colleagues died in Afghanistan, so the following year a group of us decided to climb Ben Nevis in his memory. Then in 2012, we climbed Snowdon for a company day out, so I do have some experience of these peaks even if it was some time ago!”
Andy served in the 1st Battalion The Royal Irish Regiment from 2003 – 2013. He went on operations in Northern Ireland ii 2004, Iraq in 2005, Afghanistan in 2008, the Falkland Islands in 2009 and Afghanistan again in 2010/11.
He said: “My company formed part of the Queen’s Guard for the opening of the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh in 2004, and we were also selected for the Queen’s Armed Forces Diamond Jubilee Parade through Windsor and Windsor Castle.”
If you’d like to support Andy in his quest, please visit the challenge’s Go Fund Me page to make a donation. They’re aiming to raise £10,000, which will be used to continue supporting veterans and their families, and to fund adventure training for disabled veterans, to enable them to get more involved.
TJ Waste General Manager Luke Haskell said: “We’re passionate in our support of the Armed Forces and Veterans, and truly value all they do. We’re keen to continue to support active and veteran personnel in any way we can and we hope this sponsorship will help get them a bit closer to their target. Good luck to Andy and all those taking part!”
Read about other organisations TJ has supported recently with the provision of sponsorship and donations…
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