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News: Waste

Prioritising health and safety for employees

Last week saw TJ host their fourth annual health and safety induction event, which had an extremely positive outcome with 96% of attendees saying they learned something new. Its purpose […]

Luke Haskell
Company, Drivers, Safety, Transport, Waste
Investing in our staff

Investing in staff to ensure their training is up-to-date is one of TJ’s top priorities and one of the many reasons TJ is a great place to work. They also […]

Luke Haskell
Company, Health & Safety, Training, Transport, Waste
Committed to continual safety training for employees

Plans are being made for TJ’s fourth annual health and safety event, which is held to keep staff up-to-date on health and safety practices and to maintain their training levels. […]

Luke Haskell
Company, Health & Safety, Transport, Waste
TJ celebrates six-year partnership with Great South Run

TJ Waste have won the waste management contract for the Great South Run 2019, which will take place on Sunday 20 October in Portsmouth. This is the sixth consecutive year […]

Luke Haskell
Commercial Waste Management, Company, Materials Recovery Facilities, Recycling, Waste, Waste management
Recycle Week: 23-29 September

Recycle Week 2019 is taking place from 23-29 September and is a prime opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of recycling. Sustainability is firmly on the national agenda and […]

Luke Haskell
Company, Materials Recovery Facilities, Recycling, Waste
TJ to provide waste management for Oxfam’s Trailwalker event

TJ Waste are providing the waste management service for the Trailwalker event, which will take place on 20-22 September to raise money for Oxfam and The Gurkha Welfare Trust. The […]

Luke Haskell
Materials Recovery Facilities, Skip Hire, Waste, Waste management
Landfill restoration: back to nature

TJ Transport has been awarded a contract to assist with landfill restoration at one of Suez’ quarries in Bordon. Suez is a French-based utility company which operates largely in the […]

Luke Haskell
Aggregates, Groundworks, Hythe Quarry, Muck Away, Quarries, Waste