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Last week saw TJ host their fourth annual health and safety induction event, which had an extremely positive outcome with 96% of attendees saying they learned something new. Its purpose is to keep staff up-to-date on health and safety practices and to maintain their training levels.
The 2020 event took place from Thursday 2nd January to Monday 6th January across multiple sites. The new things that were reported as being learned were information about TJ’s new IT system, Aderro, and about stress and wellbeing.
Of the 162 site operatives and drivers that completed sessions at South Downs College together, 94% said that they enjoyed this combined workforce interaction. One employee said that: “It was nice to see other members of the company that I haven’t seen before,” while another commented: “It was good to see the transport side of the company.”
When attendees were asked what they enjoyed most, the responses included: “all the different classroom sessions,” “the friendly staff,” and “ the attention to detail.”
Employees from some of TJ’s partner companies were invited to attend the event to see what it’s all about. Lisa O’Donnall, Health & Safety Advisor at Skanska said:
“I think today’s sessions were well informed and to the point. Employees came across involved and positive.”
Lyn Blackwell, also from Skanska added:
“It was a good informative day. I think this is something that other suppliers should be doing and encouraging.”
This year’s event was a little different to previous years in that the Health, Safety & Welfare and Company Policies sessions for both Transport and Waste employees encompassed both sides of the business within them, rather than just concentrating on the side of the business that those employees are from. This was to ensure that the same basic messages from these topics were conveyed to the entire workforce, which should help Transport and Waste staff feel more ‘as one’.
Activities taking place on Thursday 2nd January were held at Gloucester Cricket Club for TJ’s Avonmouth-based lorry drivers. Events held on Friday 3rd and Monday 6th January took place at South Downs College, Waterlooville, for TJ’s Hampshire-based lorry drivers and site operatives.
Each day kicked off with an introduction and safety briefing from Fleet Manager Lee Downer, followed by an opening address from Chairman Terry Higgins.
Employees were then divided up into four predetermined groups. Each group completed a round robin of four different hour-long sessions, separated by 15-minute breaks and lunch halfway through. On completion of all four sessions, a final consolidation session took place.
This ‘school day’ format ensured that ‘information overload’ was avoided and that they had time in between sessions to digest the information. The sessions were delivered in classrooms or outside using company vehicles and machinery to aid with practical exercises. The sessions were delivered by various office-based employees to ensure participants aren’t hearing the same voice all day, further aiding information retention.
Compliance, Health & Safety and Legislation Supervisor Jack MacFarlane organised the event said:
“Overall we received very positive feedback from our employees and there was a positive atmosphere across the three days. Comments from our invited guests were also very positive; a big well done to all those involved! Maintaining exceptional health and safety standards are not only essential for our valued staff, but also enable us to deliver the outstanding service our customers have become accustomed to.”
Learn more about TJ Transport and TJ Waste and the services they offer.
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