Meet Jamie Higgins, Director
Luke Haskell | Commercial Director
27 August 2019
Tags: Company | Transport | Waste
Jamie has worked for TJ since 2001 with positions held throughout waste and transport operations, studyingfor numerous industry qualifications along the way. He is now responsible for leading the internal site operations and health & safety strategy. In his spare time, Jamie is a keen golfer and football fan.

What does your role involve?
As a group Director, my role is varied, covering aspects of both companies from top to bottom. Although my background is transport, my main focus over the last couple of years has been the management of all our sites – transfer stations, recycling centres, landfill and restoration – both commercially and operationally. On any given day I can be dealing with a wide range of activities, anything from invoice queries and supplies through to employment issues, research and development and compliance with legislation.
What is your career background?
Aside from a brief stint as a trainee accountant (which I discovered I was very unsuited to), my entire career since leaving education has been with TJ. This has given me the opportunity to see the company grow and to grow with it. Starting as an invoice clerk, moving to the transport desk and on into senior management roles around the company has given me insight into all areas and a deeper understanding of the business, which helps me a lot day to day.
What are the most rewarding and challenging aspects of your role?
The most challenging aspect is keeping the volume and wide-ranging scope of tasks in my purview under control. Patience and time management were two of my main failings in the initial stages of my career and the former is something I continue to struggle with at times.
The most rewarding aspect is seeing projects through to completion after lots of hard work. There is an undeniable satisfaction in seeing a team working well and achieving their aims.
How has TJ changed since you joined in 2001?
When I started with TJ we ran 10 vehicles and had less than 20 staff in total. We now have over 120 vehicles on the road and employ around 235 people! The size, scope and coverage of the company has grown almost beyond belief and it’s been fun to be part of.
The best change for me has been the increase in local, regional and even national recognition that TJ has achieved. Along with various awards we’ve won, our name has become synonymous as a professional, efficient and safety -conscious company within the industry and that is certainly something to be proud of.
What are your objectives for the next 12 months?
To continue to progress specific projects such as Butser Quarry’s expansion, the completion of Hythe Quarry’s first cell for inert disposal whilst continuing to expand the export sales and the completion of the Stoneham golf course works which has made an excellent start.
Other than that, one of my main focuses is on progressing the relatively new and young management team that’s growing throughout the company. It’s an exciting time to be part of TJ – increasing comprehension and skill sets are vital to continuing forward.
How do you see TJ growing and changing in the future?
Further growth into new regions is fairly key whilst holding onto the core values that make us TJ. We’ve achieved an excellent reputation within the industry so making the most of any opportunities for growth and diversification that come to us is fundamental.
Why is TJ a great place to work?
For me, even with the current size of the group, it continues with a small family feel. We try to recognise excellence and potential in employees and it’s rewarding to see success stories like the recent promotion of Saf Favliones to Transport Coordinator.
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