guides, top tens and more…

Our latest blogs, staff updates, opinions, tips, advice and commentary.

Our guide to Managing waste in an office environment

Efficient waste management is crucial for any office, ensuring a clean, sustainable and productive work environment. Check out our comprehensive guide to managing waste effectively in your office…

Luke Haskell
Commercial Waste Management, Materials Recovery Facility, Recycling, Waste
How to fill a skip…

Although you may not believe it, there are methods for filling a skip that will enable you to fit more in, giving you even better value for money. We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to how to best load your skip to maximise space!

Luke Haskell
Materials Recovery Facility, Recycling, Skip hire, Waste
Meet Tori Mockford, Customer Services

Tori joined the TJ Waste customer services team in April and has slotted in seamlessly. Outside of work she enjoys shopping, gardening, fishing and exploring with her dog Milo!

Luke Haskell
Company, Skip hire, Staff, Training, Waste, Waste Management
Commercial waste management explained

It’s vital to get your company’s waste management right in order to stay on the correct side of the law. So why not let TJ manage your commercial waste for you?

Luke Haskell
Commercial Waste Management, Materials Recovery Facility, Recycling, Waste
Safe disposal of lithium-ion batteries

Incorrect disposal of lithium-ion batteries can be catastrophic, as the recent fire at our Tipner facility demonstrated. Discover how to safely dispose of these batteries…

Luke Haskell
Company, Hazardous waste, Health and Safety, Materials Recovery Facility, Recycling, Waste
Skip V grab hire

Skip and grab hire are both great options for your domestic or commercial projects. There are advantages to both depending on your project, so read on to discover which option would be best suited to your requirements.

Luke Haskell
Construction, DIY Project, Grab Hire, Recycling, Skip hire, Waste

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